Reheating Nut Loaves & Zucchini Loaves

** Food safety: Please take care to reheat food until very hot. Use reheated food within 4 hours and throw away any remaining food after this time. Food can only be saved after heating if cooled and refrigerated within 2 hours.

Vegetarian Nut Loaf – Reheating Instructions

The Vegetarian Nut Loaf is pre-cooked and is provided to you chilled. It may be served chilled or you may wish to reheat it. 

To reheat - remove the packaging. Wrap in foil and bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 160C. 

Check after this time and return to oven if not hot enough for an additional 10 minutes. 

Zucchini, Cranberry & Feta Vegetarian Loaf – Reheating Instructions

The Vegetarian Zucchini Loaf is pre-cooked and is provided to you chilled. It may be served chilled or you may wish to reheat it.

To reheat - remove the plastic packaging and keep the loaf in the cardboard base. Wrap in foil and bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 160C. Check after this time and return to oven if not hot enough for an additional 5 minutes. 

May otherwise be microwaved for approximately 4 minutes on medium high.