Dissolves readily when added to food making it ideal in salad dressings. (SML PKT)
Other Common Names: Clown’s Treacle, Poor Man’s Treacle. Botanical Name: (Allium sativum)
Description & Use: The part of garlic which we refer to as a clove is actually one of many bulblets, each with a papery casing and compacted into a larger corm or bulb. The history of garlic goes back to before Egyptian times and it is a herb which has always been valued for both its culinary qualities and medicinal attributes. Garlic is available in large slices, small minced pieces and as a powder. Pieces of large garlic flakes are delicious in curries and casseroles. Garlic powder is ideal in dishes that will not be cooked for long, including garlic and herb breads. Use sparingly as dried garlic is surprisingly potent when compared to fresh.