Hafla Tzatziki 200g

Hafla make gourmet quality, fresh, organic, Mediterranean style dips from the highest quality, locally sourced vegetables, oils, herbs and spices. Middle Eastern flavour to celebrate your breads, meats and vegetables.

Tzatziki seems so easy to make and yet our customers always ask us what’s different about Hafla's product.

Well, it’s simple and straight forward – more than 95% Australian ingredients and just the right balanced touch of dill tips.

Serving suggestions:

Hafla's Tzatziki goes great with any meal. Kids love it with veggies, it is very happy in the company of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Tzatziki is great companion to meat meals and sits nicely on top of pies. It is also recommended as an antidote for Zhug. (It will put the chili fire out).

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